Tuesday, May 15, 2007

OH NO!!!

You'd think that I was the most irresponsible person with all of the computer problems I have been having, but I BABY my laptop. This time, it just mysteriously turned itself off and won't boot up any more. Sadly, nothing even comes up on the screen. I am SOOOO sad!

Brennen will be taking him to the computer dr. at his office and hopefully, there will be a quick recovery!

Friday, May 11, 2007


While I was on youtube watching 80's cartoon intros, Brennen came home from lunch. He informed me that he was getting Vista on his work computer. I was beginning to get worried about the gazillion photos that we have on it, until he told me that one picture was being circulated around his office. It's the cutest picture of Evan's butt cheeks that I took the other night, LOL! Apparently all of his pictures were backed up on the server, and so now, Evan's little tushie will be immortalized forever! HEE HEE HEE!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

What is his deal??

Why, oh why, is my Ethan being such a butt???? He stayed the weekend with my mom and he's being oh-so difficult. He's still stuck in Granny mode and it's about to drive me nuts. While I enjoyed the time away from him, it's harder having him back. I think these visits will be few and far between!!

Monday, May 7, 2007


I am thrilled to report that I have my laptop back. I have an amazing husband who has the resources to fix it!! YAY! I have had to rely on his and only be able to get online after the boys went to bed.

Not only did he fix it, but he also got a bigger hard drive and doubled my RAM!! WAHOOO! I am sailing!

As much as he frustrates me, he does WAAY more positive things!

Thursday, May 3, 2007


I hate bad days!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My heart goes out...

to all of those who are sacrificing a loved one from their daily life for our freedom. I can't imagine doing what I do on a daily basis without my other half being there with me!

Thank you!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

There are basketballs floating in the backyard!

It has rained so much today. I mean huge thunderstorms with buckets of rain falling. This is the first time that we had this much rain in our new house and now we know that we must landscape better. When our yard in saturated with water, then it runs down into the flower bed and onto the front porch. YIKES! And when I looked into the backyard, I literally saw Ethan's basketballs floating!

PLUS...it's supposed to rain all night and probably tomorrow evening as well.

I must stop blogging!! THIS IS ADDICTING!!!!


Brennen pulled a few snails out of the flower bed today after it rained to show Ethan. It was amazing to watch the wonder and fear in his eyes. He was so intrigued with watching them slowly make their way back, yet SO afraid that they would get him. Evan, on the other hand, crawled his way over and wanted to eat them, EWW!

PS...I noticed today that Evan can get into a sitting position from a crawling/laying on his tummy position.

Sleep....Who Needs It?

I have no idea why my children cannot sleep on Saturday nights. I am wondering if this is just a preview to slumber parties and the teenage years. For three weeks straight I have been EXHAUSTED instead of rested on a Sunday. For two weeks straight we have missed church. Thank goodness I can watch the service online on Tuesday.

I wish I knew what the answer was... but until then...here's to those who are flipping channels at 4 am

Saturday, April 28, 2007


Ethan is officially potty trained! There is no greater feeling in the world than not having to deal with diapers. Granted, there is a night time "just in case" Pull up, but it's very rarely wet. In fact, the only time in the past week that it has been was when I just didn't want to get up to help him to the bathroom. SO...mark another huge accomplishment in his book.

Ya' know...there for a while I thought he would be crawling across the stage at his graduation. Then there was him being mute. Now I can take a deep breath and know that he won't be wearing diapers during his wedding day. WHEW!

Ethan's birthday is coming up. Ethan will be 3!!! That's right, he's officially a "big boy"! We are getting him a wooden swing set for his birthday. I am looking forward to having a mini "park" in our backyard. I also have a party to plan. Last year we had quite a fandango with the Aloha shirt theme. This year it is going to be thrown together in a flash. I know the last week will be a mad dash getting everything together because I am such a procrasinator!

Monday, January 29, 2007

A House Full of Boys and A Dog

The first entry is always the most interesting. You always learn the most about that person. I think that I am going to make my blogs in 3 seperate sections: Ethan, Evan and Me. I think this will be the best way to keep it organized.

Ethan-He is 2.75 years old. In 4 short months, I will be the mommy of a 3 year old. He is an absolute joy to have around. My life would be incredibly boring if he wasn't around. He is very imaginative, comical and physically active.

I love that he's a physical little boy. I often refer to him as a big kid trapped in a little kid's body. At the playground, Ethan is following the big boys...walking UP the slide, sliding down on his feet not bottom, etc.

Ethan is currently starting potty training. He and Mickey Mouse are doing it together and we will be thorough...I am sure of it!!! Everyone needs a best friend to help!

Evan-He is 4 and a half months old. For something that was completely unexpected and took me forever to finally get used to, I am absolutely in love. I have even made it through some crazy colic unscathed.

He is currently teething and aside from the drool and the fussiness, we are battling it well. We have found that Orajel actually works for this one, YAY! I am ready for the little buggers to finally pop through, though!

Me-I am 26 years old. I will be 27 in June and I am loving my life. I have moved into a great house, have an amazing husband, and get to "work for" 2 little boys. Sure, my house is always a MESS even though I just cleaned it and they can be a little (okay somedays, a lot) unrelenting....it's the most fun I've ever had working. The responsibility is ENORMOUS, but with my husband as a coworker, we can handle it.