Monday, January 29, 2007

A House Full of Boys and A Dog

The first entry is always the most interesting. You always learn the most about that person. I think that I am going to make my blogs in 3 seperate sections: Ethan, Evan and Me. I think this will be the best way to keep it organized.

Ethan-He is 2.75 years old. In 4 short months, I will be the mommy of a 3 year old. He is an absolute joy to have around. My life would be incredibly boring if he wasn't around. He is very imaginative, comical and physically active.

I love that he's a physical little boy. I often refer to him as a big kid trapped in a little kid's body. At the playground, Ethan is following the big boys...walking UP the slide, sliding down on his feet not bottom, etc.

Ethan is currently starting potty training. He and Mickey Mouse are doing it together and we will be thorough...I am sure of it!!! Everyone needs a best friend to help!

Evan-He is 4 and a half months old. For something that was completely unexpected and took me forever to finally get used to, I am absolutely in love. I have even made it through some crazy colic unscathed.

He is currently teething and aside from the drool and the fussiness, we are battling it well. We have found that Orajel actually works for this one, YAY! I am ready for the little buggers to finally pop through, though!

Me-I am 26 years old. I will be 27 in June and I am loving my life. I have moved into a great house, have an amazing husband, and get to "work for" 2 little boys. Sure, my house is always a MESS even though I just cleaned it and they can be a little (okay somedays, a lot)'s the most fun I've ever had working. The responsibility is ENORMOUS, but with my husband as a coworker, we can handle it.

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