Saturday, April 28, 2007


Ethan is officially potty trained! There is no greater feeling in the world than not having to deal with diapers. Granted, there is a night time "just in case" Pull up, but it's very rarely wet. In fact, the only time in the past week that it has been was when I just didn't want to get up to help him to the bathroom. SO...mark another huge accomplishment in his book.

Ya' know...there for a while I thought he would be crawling across the stage at his graduation. Then there was him being mute. Now I can take a deep breath and know that he won't be wearing diapers during his wedding day. WHEW!

Ethan's birthday is coming up. Ethan will be 3!!! That's right, he's officially a "big boy"! We are getting him a wooden swing set for his birthday. I am looking forward to having a mini "park" in our backyard. I also have a party to plan. Last year we had quite a fandango with the Aloha shirt theme. This year it is going to be thrown together in a flash. I know the last week will be a mad dash getting everything together because I am such a procrasinator!

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